Monday, September 28, 2009

Michigan Coverting Old Car Manufacturing Plants into Green Energy Plants

Michigan, struggling as more thousands of jobs are slated to be cut, is actively converting old car manufacturing plants into green energy plants that will produce solar and wind energy technology.

The NY Times article

A Second Article

And Wayne County, MI, which constitutes Detroit, has set up a land bank to "encourage investment, revitalization, and rehabilitation in Wayne County" by "selling abandoned property at affordable rates to those who will use it productively."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Parasite Prefab - Lara Calder Architects

Literally living on infrastructure... from ArchDaily.

Living the Map

50 states, 50 weeks, 50 jobs...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I.B.M. makes Dubuque, Iowa smarter?

IBM is giving Dubuque's government and citizens the digital tools to measure, and alter, the way they use water, electricity, and transportation.

Is knowing half the battle?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Getz the Dataz

Some of my favorite websites for stats:

Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Airline, Rail, Interstate, Border Crossings, Personal Travel...

American FactFinder (Census)
Population, Race, Household Size...

Bureau of Labor Statistics
especially the American Time Use Survey

Economic Census
There's a bajillion different kinds of businesses.
Basically everything, which means it's a bit unwieldy

Reference USA
(Available through Columbia Libraries) It's difficult to describe how much information is here... and it all has Geographic coordinates so you can map it if you want.


GE Smart Grid Fun

This is too fun: GE Plug into the Smart Grid
Like I said.. too fun:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lots of data here, including geospatial:

Hello World!